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Selected Recent Writing 

"Love Poem with Little Fangs Concealed" in FERAL

"Communion" in Jet Fuel Review

"The Selkie Agrees to an Interview" in Gulf Stream Magazine

"The Vision" in Reedy Branch Review

"Wild Caraway" in Eunoia Review

"Home Again," part of 4Culture's "Poetry in Public" Program

"Anthropocene Love" and "Ecology"* in Lit Shark Magazine

"Sundown" in isotrope

"Copse, Corpus, Clearing" in SWWIM

"Ironies"** in PAMLA Arts Matter

"Darling" in Blood Orange Review

"Hematite Heart" in Potomac Review

"The Turtle in the Deep" in Cartridge Lit

"Love Poem with a Splinter in its Paw" in Shō Poetry Journal

*October 2023 Poem of the Month

**Winner of the 2023 Paula Svonkin Creative Awards Award

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